Big Fish & Begonia

    Big Fish & Begonia is a 2016 Chinese animated epic fantasy film written, produced and directed by Liang Xuan and Zhang Chun. The first animated feature film of B&T Studio collaborated with Studio Mir, it is joint invested by B&T and Enlight Media. It was released in both 2D and 3D formats in China by Enlight Media on July 8, 2016.
   ‘All the living human beings are a huge fish in the sea; they are born from the shore of the sea. Their life is like crossing the sea, sometimes met, sometimes separated ... ... when they die, they went to the shore, each to the world that's the main  point for the film. This film is rare and has a very strong cultural brand of Chinese animation film, is also a new type of exploration. Its picture, music, voice are no criticism of the place, people set, the world view is very imaginative and Oriental charm.
                                     Yuqian Zhou


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