

    (Spoiler Alert)

                On March of this year, the last Wolverine movie act by Hugh Jackman was on Cinema. Compare to other Wolverine movie in the whole the series, "Logan" is definitely the most unusual one. Not as many special effects as used to, "Logan" seems aim at not a super hero but an ordinary people's view to present to audiences. Which actually made it became my favourite super hero movie so far.
                Start with Johnny Cash's music "Hurt", an old, exhausted, and even bit wasted looking Wolverine were show to the audience on big screen. It hard to believe this careless old bastard is the famous Wolverine, cause he shows no passion nor brave as he used to be. Lately through the radio we learn that because of the food and environment change, there are no more new born mutant, and all the mutant that existing are losing their abilities. Logan slowly loses his self-healing ability, and Professor X became a 90 years old man with Alzheimer's disease who needs pills to control he's mind, otherwise he will lose the control of his super power, in which already happened once and killed many he's fellow mutants.
                Under this background setting, special effects or fancy fighting all those normal elements of  super hero movie are no more the focus of this movie, but philosophical thinking became more important. Which could made the movie move into higher level, instead of  just a Hollywood action movie. Through out the whole movie, nickname like Wolverine or Professor X were not been used, Logan had even removed his Wolverine name tag. Instead, Logan and Charles are what they calling each other. This is another clue that director wants audience not to treat these two like hero but ordinary people, to think that no matter how great you used to be, everyone need to face aging issue. Whether you chose to face it or fade from it, that makes the differences. In the end, Logan found his salvation: So this is what it feels like. And there are no guns in the valley.
                 After all, Logan is a great movie for all no matter you are fans of Marvel super hero series or not.

Jingxiang Cao


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