Zombieland (2009)

Zombieland is an American comedy horror film directed by Ruben Fleischer in 2009. The plot follows a college kid called Columbus, when a zombie apocalypse breaks out he makes a trip across the United States to find sanctuary from Zombies. On his way, he meets three strangers who accompanied him on his quest to find sanctuary.

The Film Zombieland is a comedy horror film, which many may find hilarious. It features a good amount of gore and comedy which blends together well.  Interestingly, the film surpassed one of the most popular zombie films Dawn of the Dead (2004), grossing more than $60.8M in 17 days. I would recommend this film to comedy and horror fans alike, it has a less horror aspect and more funny take to it. All in all, this is a solid apocalypse film.

William Quin,



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